Doll clothing pt.1

Hello! While I'm still travelling, here some more of my past work. This time, doll clothes. Making doll clothes is actually one of the way I learned how to sew, because messing up with such a small outfit is not as frustrating as with a big one with lots of fabric! It's also a fun way to use those little bits of scrap fabric!

I have three dolls of different sizes as models. une 12 inch baby doll, one 18 inch plastic girl doll and one 21 inch porcelain doll.

I've got quite a bit, so here is the first half, not in any particular order. I'll do another post soon for the rest of them.

This one is kind of a mix between a fantasy 18th century top and a bustle skirt. I had just a little fabric left and this wa entirely experimental. The result isn't so bad!

little flannel dress and hat

This one with the tulle skirt was a special order for a lucky birthday girl!

Upcycled nightgown made from a camisole
