Happy Quebec day!

As you may not know, I am a French Canadian, and today is Quebec day, or "St-Jean-Baptiste" as we call it. It's the day where all (or at least most) French Canadians throw a big party in honor of our beloved province.

The origins of this holiday go very far back, no one really knows when it started,  but it got me thinking of the olden days in New-France, before it belonged to the British, and of all our history.

There is a great tv series that I love, called "Marguerite Volant" It is set in Quebec in 1763, and tells the story of a french canadian landlord and his family, especially his younger daughter Marguerite, and how they deal with the news of the Treaty of Paris (The French giving up New France to the British, who made it the "New Province of Quebec").  It's actually a very good show, it depicts well how life would have been for French Canadians back then, adding a bit of adventure, drama and romance, and, big bonus, the costumes are awesome! It's in french though, I don't know if a translation exists.

If you want more info on this, Enchanted Serenity of Period Films made a great description of it, with pictures and everything. Here is the link to the actual description. 

Anyway, I would like to wish a ""Bonne St-Jean", as we say in french to all my family and friends in Quebec. As for me, I am still in Bali, and our celebrations resumed to singing a few french canadian songs with my mom and sister on our little bungalow's front porch. Next year I'll celebrate for real!

Happy Quebec Day! / Bonne St-Jean!
