Hi there! As you may or may not already know, I am going to participate in the 1911 corset sew-along that was organised by Jo from Bridges on the Body. I don't have any fabric yet, but I'm almost done with the pattern. The only thing missing now are the seam allowances. I used the free post-edwardian corset pattern that was already on her blog. You can find it here.
I live in a rural area and dont have a quick and easy access to a good photocopy machine, so I had to scale up the pattern by hand. It wasn't to hard, just a little more time consuming.
These are the corset-making supplies I ordered from Sew Curvy and King and Company Corsetry!! I ordered more supplies than I needed, so I'll have enough for at least another corset.
My 1840's stays are progressing slowly, I just started working on the last back piece, which means I'm almost done with the cording and embroidery. The next step will be to sew all the panels together. More on that later!!
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