More progress on my corsets and beginnings of a corded petticoat

Can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I last posted! Well I've been sewing and knitting a lot, and my corsets are coming together.

First the 1911 Post-Edwardian from the sew-along at Bridges on the Body.

Panels sewn together

Waist tape and bone channels

Back facing sewn on and Busk inserted!


And now for the 1840's stays:

I decided to go for handsewn eyelets, even if metal ones would still have been historically accurate. Handsewn ones look prettier, even if thay take way way way way longer to make. It takes me around 30 minutes to make one. They could be made faster, but I decided to sew some cording in the back before I embroider them.  

Finally, the corded petticoat! Since my 1840's stays are intended to be part of a whole ensemble (I've already got some gorgeous blue satin for the gown), I need some support for the skirt. This was before the hoop skirt era, so I started a corded petticoat. It's around 90 inches around and I inserted some knitting cotton yarn in pintucks. 


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