1912 dress progressing and a few knitted hats

Hi! Sorry my posts have been a little boring lately. I seem to have started too many projects at the same time, so they're all progressing at a slow pace, and on top of that I keep starting new knitting projects all the time. Anyway, here are a few pictures of what I've been working on this week:

This is a baby's vest in a 6 month size. I started it last summer and never took the time to finish it. 

More old-fashionned baby bonnets! The concept of these is kind of like a twin set. They're almost the same design but if you pay closer attention you'll notice the lace pattern is slightly different . I don't think I'm gonna sell those, I love them too much. Plus they took me forever to knit.

A little norwegian baby hat. I won't sell this one either. The colors are gorgeous and it also took me forever to knit

The patterns for these hats can be found on the internet. They are all from the DROPS design site, as was the previous bonnet in the green/orange yarn from this post (which I'm keeping too). The only one I modified here was the second blue bonnet. 

Sneak peek of my 1912 dress. I know it looks kind weird now. What you can see here is the bodice and the overskirt pinned together. 
