18th century stays!

Well, My stays are finally done! After a whole day of setting grommets (okay, almost a full day, I had to cut a tree at some point this afternoon and I am quite slow with grommet setting), My stays are finally wearable! Did I mention setting grommets is the part I like the least? Anyway, It's over! The only thing left would be covering the grommets with embroidery thread to fake handmade eyelets (since grommets aren't really historically accurate), but it will do for now, I'll find the courage to cover the 42 grommets some other time.

So here are some pictures of it!! I must admit I'm quite proud of myself!

Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, I'll take some good ones when my whole costume will be done.

The shift I'm wearing goes with my 1911 costume and is not the one I'll be using in the end. However, the headband will probably be part of the costume... I think I've been watching too much Pirates of the Caribbean lately...

I hope Ill be able to finish the whole thing before I leave for Europe on october 2nd!


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