Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Hello again! I was pleased to learn yesterday that I was awarded the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Cindy of The Broke Costumer. Check out her blog, it's awesome.

 To accept the award, one must:
1. Display the award and link back to the person who nominated you.
2. State 7 facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 bloggers for the award.
4. Notify the winners.

So, 7 facts about myself:

1- My other passion has to do with babies. I am fascinated by the process of pregnancy and birth, and by the power of women. That's why I chose to be a doula as a career path. I get to know all about birth, and I get to help future parents, inform them and support them during the whole process! I'm a big advocate for natural birth, and I believe that the way we are born affects the whole society. Maybe someday I'll be a midwife, but so far I'm happy with being a doula. I also have two doula blogs, one in french here, and one in english here. There aren't many articles yet in the english one, but more are on their way!

2- I don't really have a religion, but I do believe in reincarnation, and in the power of positivity, simplicity, love and gratitude. 

3- I love singing, and Karaoke, and have a good singing voice (or so I'm told)

4- I have visited over 15 countries within the last 13 years. 

5- I am a little bit of a hippie, I try to grow my own organic food as much as I can (considering the climate here in Canada), I don't buy red meat, and I try to only buy things I can't make myself. 

6- I drink tea every afternoon, usually with my mother and sister, and every time I travel somewhere, I bring back a new blend. 

7- I hate modern music and prefer anything that came out before the 80's, especially old swing, jazz and rock'n'roll (basically music from the 20's to the 50's). My favorite singers are Judy Garland and Ella Fitzgerald. 

And now the 15 blogs I nominate for the award (not in any particular order):

1- Romantic History:  I love Sarah'outfits and the little costumes she makes for her kids, and I am astonished at how much she sews and manages to make, given she has four little ones to take care of! Either she doesn't need sleep, or sews a lot faster than me. 

2- American Duchess: I don't have to explain here, we all love her, and her shoes are amazing. I already have three pair!

3- Make It and Love It: Okay, it's not a costuming blog, but her blog is really fun to read, and she's got loads of great tutorials. 

4- The Fashionnable Past: Cause she's super talented and I love all her outfits. I made my 1840's stays with one of her patterns (which I altered a little bit to make it strapless). 

5-Rachael's Costumes: Lots of great twists on historical fashion! 

6- Les petites mains: It's a blog in french about children's historical fashion. It's very well researched and has got loads of awesome pictures from all eras. 

7- A Frolick Through Time: Another very talented lady, who manages to sew a lot while taking care of her kids!

8- Dressed in time: Another great blog by a very talented lady. 

9- Bella Miss Ella: More great costumes!

10- Experiments in Elegance: Even more costumes! She focuses mainly on the 19th century, which is, along with the early 20th century, my favorite era. 

11- Diary of a Mantua Maker: Another very talented lady. She even makes her own shoes!!

12- Thistle and Lily: I love the little patterns she makes for her daughter. I'll totally try them out someday, especially the little gaiter shoes!

13- Daze of Laur: She makes seriously drool-worthy costumes, both for herself and her little boy, and the pictures are awesome. 

14- The Couture Courtesan: She's also very talented, and I love her costumes. 

15- Temps D'élégance: The the costumes and pictures in this billingual blog are gorgeous. Plus She's in france, so she's already got the perfect setting, with all the old castles, gardens,  and buildings. 

Good job ladies! Keep up the good work. I love looking at your wonderful costumes when I take a break from birth stuff. 

Have a great day!


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