It's a Jolly Holiday With Mary (take 2)

Hi! Sorry for my long absence, I did sew and everything during that time, I was just waiting to take time to get good pictures. And here they are! So get ready for a couple of picture-heavy posts. First in line, here are (finally) good pictures of my Mary Poppins dress, and I am glad I waited because these pictures are amazing, the light was perfect, and everything.

So here goes:

I'm rather happy with the result, the only thing is that the skirt still isn't straight, making a perfect circle skirt with chiffon is the hardest thing. I tried twice, took my time and measured everything twice, and still it's not perfect. apart from that, I love my little Maerican Duchess Renoir boots, the complete the outfit perfectly. They are a bit large at the ankle though, and I just saw she posted an article on how to re-adjust the fit, so next time they'll be nice and snug on my ankles. I love the gloves, they are antique hand-crocheted gloves I found in an antiques store in Deschambault. 

Have a nice day!


  1. Do you ever rent your costumes, or make custom ones? This is the most beautiful remake I have seen!!

    1. Thanks! No I don't do custom orders, I do this as a hobby. But thanks for the compliments!!

  2. Hi !!!!very beautifull dress it's the most pretty dress that I saw ; Can tell me how you made corset you say that is the pattern simplicity but which is ? , it's my project for the Carnival 2017 thank you very much

    1. Hi Lili, sorry I didn't see your comment before, I'm very busy these days! I don't remember the number of the pattern, it was a simple victorian pattern. You could use any basic victorian or edwardian pattern for this, just need to crop it after to achieve the outline shape. I used a canevas-type fabric as a base, red silk as the main fabric and made some white piping with what was left of the dress fabric. also used self-made bias from the dress fabric. Good luck with your project!


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