Jane Austen festival 2014

Hi! Just got back from the Jane Austen festival in Bath! It was amazing, and I am planning to go back next year! So brace yourslelf for a picture post!

Here goes:

Getting packed into the Assembly rooms tearoom to count us. We beat the Guinness world record of ''most people dressed in regency costume at one place''. There was 550 of us!!

The grand promenade 

Gathering in the Parade Gardens after the promenade

Officer, Officer!!

I bought this dress from a friend I made there, found out that two day dresses for one week were not enough. The bonnet and reticule were given to me as gifts!! Lovely, isnt't it?

''Oh, who could ever be tired of Bath!'' -Jane Austen

Knocking on Jane Austen's door at number 4, Sydney place... who knows, maybe she'll answer?

Victorian sillyness trying out the dress up costumes at the Fashion museum!

Trying my hand at writing with a quill at the Jane Austen center

Arrival at the Masked ball!

Cocktail in the Roman Baths at the Masked Ball

Silly shot in front of our dear Jane's house

Arrival at the Farthingale's ball... That's right, I attended TWO balls!!!

Getting ready for the next dance at the ball in the Assembly Rooms

At Sydney gardens

Promenading in front of the Royal Crescent

Dancing in the park! We put a smartphone in a metal bucket to make a impromptu speaker!

It was an amazing experience. Made lots of new friends and had a lot of fun.  Looking forward to next year!


  1. We met of the tour of the pleasure gardens, I recognise your lilac dress.

    1. Oh well hi! Lovely to see you here! Hope you had as good a time as I did at the festival! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    2. You have a great blog. Its a small world. lol
      I have 2 posts with photos from the festival up on my blog if your interested. :)

    3. Great, I'll check them out, thanks! Small world indeed!


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