A medieval roleplay costume with an asian twist

Hi! I've been trying out medieval role-play (also known as ''Grandeur Nature'' in french). Some friends of mine invited me to try it out and turns out I had a great time!

My costume was a co-creation. I was to play the little sister of my friend, so we decided to basically make the same costume as her, but in different colors. Her first inspiration was the costumes in the chinese movie ''The Four''. Here is what mine looks like:

My friend made the pants and kimono, and I made the hat, belt and apron. She is actually a professional costume-maker, if you're in the Montreal area and need a kick-ass costume, call her! click here for her professional Facebook page. 

Action shot! Too bad I don't have a picture of the back. The patchwork continues and it's really pretty! After the weekend I realized I would need a little belt pouch to carry my stuff. So I whipped this up yesterday:

I've also been working a little on Regency stuff, but I really need to get on with it before the festival. I'll post about that as soon as I have enough stuff to show off!

Have a nice day!


  1. I've not seen that film before. The matching purse is super cute though.


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