A little update


Just wanted to give you a small update as to my whereabouts lately. Sadly I haven't been able to get back to costuming yet, and have been busy making all sorts of things for my Etsy shop.

Here are a few examples: as you can see it's all mostly anatomical models and baby dolls. I've also been making a some baby items for my shop too. You can check out more on my Instagram @laurie.doula

I dont know what will become of this blog, I might still update it now and again, but for now it's not my priority. I do very much want to get back to costuming too, so more on that if and when it happens! I'll also be dedicating my blogging energy towards my doula blogs: babillagesaveclaurie.blogspot.com and doulasharing.blogspot.com . So if you want to read about birth and babies related stuff, check them out!


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